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walter weekes

Walter Weekes’ net worth

Walter Weekes’ net worth is estimated at $1 million.

How has Walter Weekes built his net worth?

Walter Weekes’ net worth has been built on his social media profile and the Fresh and Fit podcast with Myron Gaines.

Wiki table

Name: Walter Weekes
Net worth: $1 million
Profession: Instagram Star
Birthday: October 1, 1992
Birthplace: Barbados
Age: 31 years old
Birth Sign: Libra


Founder and co-host of the Fresh&Fit Podcast which is dedicated to men’s self-improvement and dating. Some of their comments have generated considerable controversy. His freshprinceceo Instagram account features lifestyle content and career promotion. He has amassed 1.3 million followers.

Before Fame

He began posting to Instagram in September 2019.


His reels showcase music, lifestyle, and pets. He has also seen the popularity on his YouTube channel grow, reaching over 1.5 million subscribers. His channel features vlogs from his life, as well as a multitude of different video shorts. Fans can also find more of his work on the freshandfitpodcast Twitch channel.

Family Life

He was born in Barbados.


WALTER WEEKES Net worth, Biography, and other details information are based on WikipediaYoutubeTwitterFacebook  and others sourch. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

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