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eduardo saverin

Eduardo Saverin’s net worth

Eduardo Saverin’s net worth is estimated at $10 billion.

How did Eduardo Saverin build his net worth?

Eduardo Luiz Saverin is a Brazilian billionaire entrepreneur based in Singapore who made his fortune as one of the co-founders of Facebook.

Wiki table

Name: Eduardo Saverin
Net worth: $10 billion
Profession: Entrepreneur
Birthday: March 19, 1982
Birthplace: Sao Paulo,
Age: 42 years old
Birth Sign: Pisces


Entrepreneur known for being one of the four co-founders of Facebook. He gained fame for being portrayed in David Fincher’s The Social Network. The movie chronicled the story of how he was cut to of Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg. 

Before Fame

He made money through his oil industry investments.


He was portrayed in the critically acclaimed film The Social Network by Andrew Garfield. He has gained a following of 20,000 on his personal Twitter account. 

Family Life

He grew up in a wealthy Jewish Brazilian family to parents Roberto and Sandra. In June 2015, he married Elaine Andriejanssen.


EDUARDO SAVERIN Net worth, Biography, and other details information are based on WikipediaYoutubeTwitterFacebook  and others sourch. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.

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