Dennis Prager’s net worth
Dennis Prager’s net worth is estimated at $12 million.
How did Dennis Prager build his net worth?
Dennis Prager has built his net worth from a career as a radio broadcaster and author.
Wiki table
Name: | Dennis Prager |
Net worth: | $12 million |
Profession: | TV Show Host |
Birthday: | August 2, 1948 |
Birthplace: | Brooklyn, NY |
Age: | 75 years old |
Birth Sign: | Leo |
A talk show host who is most recognized for his polarizing conservative views on social and financial issues.
Before Fame
He completed his formal education at Columbia University in New York.
In addition to his hosting gigs, he has also lectured around the world and in a variety of different languages, including Russian and Hebrew.
Family Life
He married his third wife Susan Reed in 2008.
DENNIS PRAGER Net worth, Biography, and other details information are based on Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and others sourch. There may have wrong or outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment below.