Valeria Diaco is one of the most popular women volley ball player.
She was born in Italy.
In this article, We will Discover: Valeria Diaco Biography, Birthday, Height, Weight, Which position Valeria Diaco Playing well? Which Dominant hand or Strong hand use Valeria Diaco for volley ball playing? Valeria Diaco’s club playing details, Spike, Block and many other Unknown things!!
‘Valeria Diaco’ Biography!
Valeria Diaco Birthdate is Unknown, His height is Unknown, and weight Unknown!!
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Name: | Valeria Diaco |
Birthdate: | Unknown |
Nationality: | Italy |
Height: | Unknown |
Weight: | Unknown |
‘Valeria Diaco’ Description: As a Popular women volley ball player!
Valeria Diaco well playing as a Outside Hitter. His dominant hand is Unknown hand. Her Spikes Unknown and Blocks Unknown But Growth day by day!!
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Position: | Outside Hitter |
Dominanthand: | Unknown |
Spikecm: | Unknown |
Blockcm: | Unknown |
‘Valeria Diaco’ Club details and logo!
Valeria Diaco club name is Caffè San Vincenzo Pallavolo Rossano. Teammates number 13. She played many matche and more matchs play in future!!
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Club: | 1 |
Teammates: | 13 |
Tournaments: | 1 |
Matches: | 0 |
Activeplayer: | Yes |
Leaguecountry: | Italy |
Valeria Diaco’s leaguecountry flag
‘Valeria Diaco’ Social midea!
Valeria Diaco Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Wikipidea links is given bellow!!
Column-1 | Column-2 |
Twitter: | Click here |
Faceboook: | Click here |
Youtube: | Click here |
Wikipidea: | Click here |
Valeria Diaco’s Biography, Birthdate, Height, Weight, Playing Position, and other details information are based on Wikipedia, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and others sourch. There may have outdated info, if you find so, please let us know by contact us or leaving a comment below.